Monday, September 21, 2015

Facebook Pages

Hello Everybody,

This post is going to be covering Social Media Marketing's chapter 3, Facebook Pages.

Let's jump in. Facebook works as a sort of central "hub" for businesses. It works as the core of your social media presence. You can posts text, photos, videos and more. It works well for entertainment, such as movies like The Matrix, actors or even fictional people. Here's one for one of my favorite characters on Supernatural.

See, even fake people have a Facebook.

They also work well for causes. While most causes won't originate on social media, it certainly go the lengths to keep them up and running. Facebook works extremely well for communications with large communities and work as the central means of communication for a cause. Or they can help a cause gain awareness. Hashtags go long lengths to get the word out. Like odds are you have seen or heard of #DoYourJob (Kim Davis) #FreeTheNipple (equality). Because of their presence on social media their causes and stories are spreading further than they would in normal media.

When creating a Facebook for a business or organization there are some things you should try to keep in mind. Like utilizing quality images for your page. Make sure you pick an effective profile picture and a cover photo that will help draw people in. Those tools are there for you to create a more aesthetically pleasing page, so use them! "Don't judge a book by it's cover," sounds pretty ridiculous to a person, like myself, who is actually designing those covers. First impressions matter and you only get one shot. So be professional, use powerful and high quality images. And remember to keep content in mind, always.

When signing up for Facebook, keep in mind that there are indeed limitations to your capabilities. The key is to know Facebook's business model. Knowing how Facebook makes it's money will lead you in the direction of what will probably work best for getting your page noticed. While people who "like" your page are likely to see some of your posts on their NewsFeeds, that isn't guaranteed and then who knows if they'll actually click on it and read it? When thinking about it, let's reminisce about our good Search Engine Optimizing days. Think of Facebook's NewsFeeds being like search engine results. The best rankings you're going to get is when you pay for it. If you need some brushing up review my SEO posts here on this blog.

If you want help in figuring out how to start creating your Facebook page read my blog post where I covered all the steps involved.

Until next time,
Caitlin Campbell

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