Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Setting Up Goal Conversions

Hello Everybody,

In this post I'm going to show you how I set up goal conversions for my very on website.

This is my website.

I decided to set up a goal for people to fill out my contact page.

Once users fill out the form and hit the submit button they are taken to my thank you page.

So I set up Google Analytics with a goal conversion that will let me know when people make it to this page, which they can only get to by filling out the contact form, which is what I want people to do.

Keep in mind for this to work, you will need Google Analytics already connected to your website. First select which website (if you have multiple sites connected to your analytics) you want to add the goal conversion to, and select the admin option at the top of your Google Analytics page. Once there select the goal option.

Once you have selected the goal option you will be taken to a page with your current goals, again if you have any, and select the red button to add a new goal.

One you have selected that you will be able to add specifics about the goal you are setting up. I for one hit custom.

Give a name of your goal, and pick which type of goal you are trying to set up. My goal in this exercise would be a destination goal because I want people to get to a particular page on my site.

Next you add the page you want your destination to be. You add the words that are after the / part of the url, including the / . Then hit save.

And there you have it, that's how you set up goal conversions through Google Analytics.

On a side note, please check out my website and see all the art and design possibilities I have to offer. And this way I have some analytics to poke around with.

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