Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fun with eCommerce Analytics - Gumroad

Hello Everybody,

This post is going to cover chapter 7 of Intro to Google Analytics, Fun with eCommerce Analytics -Gumroad.

This chapter talks about Gumroad, a free, easy to use platform for eCommerce analytics. First let's talk about conversion vs. "infersion". When you have a "direct" conversion tracking analytics, you can trace exactly how effective a specific ad was, or individual keywords. These "conversion analytics" help you optimize a campaign, by deleting poor keywords that don't work and focusing on what keywords do. It helps you to make your advertising campaign more effective and more efficient, generate more revenue and budget more wisely. "Infersion tracking" is when you infer, or guess what is going on, but you really don't know, such as billboards, radio or television, etc. Gumroad is about infersion, it has built-in analytics that will tell you how many people visited a site and how many people went on to actually purchase the item. Keep in mind that a "conversion rate" is how many sales divided by how many visits. This provides insight, and measures effectiveness. Gumroad provides limited insight but is still very much, actionable.

In Gumroad there is a basic way to hook up with Google Analytics but there's also a way to set specific goals, in order to gain more insight. So first you are going to want to start by setting up a Gumroad account. Once you set up an account you should consider convincing a friend to go to your site and to buy a product so you'll have some data to work with. When you're in Google Analytics, go to "add new property" and copy and paste the link to your Gumroad site store. To paste the tracking ID that Google will provide you, go into settings, advanced section and then paste the tracking code. And there you have it, your Gumroad and Google Analytics are connected. Try to get some traffic to sell the product you have on your Gumroad store by possibly making a Facebook ad (to see the post on how click here) or working with Adwords. Gumroad makes it easy by having built in connections in order to post your store's link easily on your Facebook's timeline.

You'll actually need a purchase an order to "activate" your analytics on Gumroad. And then from there you can improve, lower price, or do more research. And when analyzing in Google Analytics, go to behavior, events and then overview. Pay close attention to "abandonment,"or how many people go along the process of visiting the site and where they "drop off" at. For example if you keep losing people after they click "buy" but before they "check out," you might be having problems with clarity on your checkout page or people may be having issues with shipping prices.

Good luck and until next time,
Caitlin Campbell

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