Monday, October 12, 2015

Making Your Social Media, Analyzing Facebook Ads Campaigns

Hello Everybody,

Remember how we talked about the popularity and importance of setting up Facebook Ads and then the process of actually setting Facebook Ads up? In this post I'm going to go over the results.

When first logging onto Facebook to check the progress of your ads you will come to screen much like the one featured above. I ended up doing two separate campaigns for this blog with only slight differences in wording and audience but all using the same image. So now let's go through and compare and analyze the differences in results.

First I am going to focus on the $20 ad that I placed from September 29th- October 3rd. This ad ended up resulting in 41 clicks and reached 2,351 people and costed me about $0.49 per click. With this campaign I had 3 variations in my ad, focusing on one of the three main marketing topics covered by this blog (SEO, Social Media, and Google Analytics). I had very slight differences in my target audience from this ad compared to my second campaign.

Overall this campaign applied more so towards males especially in the 35-44 age range. This I found surprising, I was expecting my blog to be more popular with the upper 20 somethings. Most of the traffic that I ended up getting came through Mobile News Feed, which if you read one of my recent posts on how frequently people use their smartphones and Facebook, shouldn't be surprising in the least.

This second campaign I ran for two days from October 8th- October 10th, for only $5. I was able to reach 10,404 people and got 32 website clicks and paid around $0.16 for each of them. Surprising results for only a fourth of what was spent on the first ad. These major differences I am contributing to the placement of the ad. For this second ad I had disabled the "display in news feed" option. Meaning that while I had taken away all my mobile ads for the desktop right column ad I got to pay substantially less for similar results. Again my ad appealed to males more so than females, but in substantially larger percentage than the last campaign. This time my ad appealed more so towards the 18-24 years old demographic, with very few older generation views. This I find surprising because I assumed that my mobile ads would be more appealing to younger generations than the ones that actually ended up clicking it.

Next I went to my Google Analytics account to see what my clickers of my ad actually ended up doing once they found themselves at my blog. It's a little disheartening to see that my bounce rate is as high as 77.17%, meaning that more that 3/4th of my viewers clicked away before actually exploring my blog or visiting other pages. The average session duration was just under two minutes, meaning that odds are my blogs aren't actually getting read thoroughly.

All of these things I will be keeping in mind when I go towards advertising for my blog in the future. Hopefully you see fantastic results with your own Facebook Ads!

Until Next Time,
Caitlin Campbell


  1. When making the decision to pay for your social media platform advertisement it is important to be willing to gather demographic information. Keep a log book of the people your ad has reached and what the cost of your ad was. You may want to try different advertisement prices to see which one yields more profit in the long term.

    Lindsey @ Nosto

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